It's been a long time so I think I finally will tell my story of living with Multiple Scelrosis. So sit back with a cup of coffee or your favorite drink and relax. Thank you for wanting to read about my day to day struggles of battling MS Hugs, LilAngel, CamiRae, AngelGirlie, Debi, Debsie, Deborah March 25, 2005

It all really started when I was 14. Subtle symptoms here and there that would go away quickly. I was always so tired as a teen. My Mom told me it was because I was lazy. My body was telling me I wasn't but my brain said "Mom's right."In the fall and winter of 1995 I got Double Vision. That was scarey. Especially considering that I was driving. It was the same old story over and over again. "If your not better in a week, we'll send you to a Neurologist." Well guess what? Weeks passed, months passed, another year came and I felt back to normal. Then in January 1997 I had trouble walking up stairs. My right knee would Hyper Extend (bend the wrong way) I know, OUCH! I was having trouble walking. Sometimes I'd even fall. Why was I being so clumsy? I was a cashier at a grocery store at the time and thank goodness my co workers would always walk me to my car. In April of that year I was in my parking lot at home on my way to work and I tripped and fell hard. I could not get back up. I literally had to crawl to the stairs of my apartment complex. I went in and called my Mom. I told her either she'd have to come get me or I'd have to call an ambulance. She came and got me and we went to the ER. The ER doctor told me I just sprained my knee and told me to follow up with an Orthopedic doctor which I did. The Orthopedic doctor told me I was standing on my legs to long at work without exercising the and sent me to PT. As you can guess it was for the wrong thing. My therapists would get upset with me because my right foot would always turn out to the right. I couldn't keep it straight.
