Stephen and I have been married now a little over 5 years. We celebrated our 5th anniversary December 16th. This is our story.

It was August 1998. My mom and I just returned from a trip to St. Petersburg, Florida where we were visiting my grandparents. Of course the 1st thing I had to do was check my e-mail. I was having withdrawls. There was a guestbook entry from Stephen. A Stephen L. Ramsey as a matter of fact. I usually just let the auto responder write back, but something about his entry entrigued me and I just had to e-mail him. We began to converse back and forth through e-mail and we also became fast friends. I learned that he lived in Wales UK and also was made known that Wales was not in England but it's own seperate country. I was also relieved and thanking God that Stephen and I would never meet in this lifetime. I was still scarred from my abusive relationship and was very afraid of men, but as you can see God had different plans for the two of us.
Everyday I could not wait for my ICQ to beep letting me know he was online. We would then talk for hours until he got tired and had to go to sleep. He was 5 hours a head of me. Time wise that is. I was also jealous of his sister because if she wanted to use the computer he'd have to get off for her as well. I was falling in love with him and I believe he the same for me. 
On November 29th 1998, the eve of my 26th birthday, Stephen had sent me a ton of birthday e-cards. He told me I could not open them until midnight. He stayed online with me then as well so he could wish me a happy birthday then he had to get some sleep before he had to go to work. I was so happy. Later that day I waited and waited for him to come back online. Everyday I waited for him and everynight I went to bed crushed. Where was he? What did I do? 
It was getting close to Christmas and I wasn't even excited. I missed Stephen so much. Then it came. A Christmas card from Stephen. I couldn't believe it. Oh thank you God. It seems his computer crashed. He too felt lost without me as well. He gave me his phone number and I called him on Christmas Day. We spoke for an hour about many things. We talked about his surgery and my MS. 
In July of '99 I got really weak from MS complications. I became bedridden. That is also when he wanted to come and visit me. He came for 3 weeks and during those 3 weeks he asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes. At the time I needed people to help me in and out of bed. He told me he didn't see a girl dependant on everybody but a beautiful woman whom he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He came back in September for 3 months. When he came back I was no longer bedridden. It was God's glory and love that got me stronger and out of bed. We had such a wonderful time. We got to know each other better and he was able to get me out of the house and do fun things. He learned that his new favorite American Holiday is Thanksgiving. They don't celebrate that in Britain but of course LOL.

Well Stephens 3 months were coming to an end and not only did I love Stephen but my family grew to love him too. We celebrated Christmas early that December so that Stephen could celebrate with us. The day he left was so hard on me. It was hard on him too. When Mom and I got home from dropping him off at the airport all I could do was cry. I missed him so much. We set a wedding date but it would be 11 months before we could see each other again. 
We went back to our daily phone conversations as well as talking on ICQ. I was also getting better and better, stronger. At the time I was buying Price minutes to talk to him. I even bought some for my Pastor so he could do marriage counseling with Stephen over the phone. That is also when Stephen actually came to Christ.
So as the days flew by and the months passed his return was getting closer. I had already gone and picked out my wedding dress. Now I just had to wait for November 22nd to come around. I remember when the day arrived I had been sitting at the computer tracking his flight counting down the minutes until Mom and I left for the airport. When we got to the airport I was so nervous. I kept saying "Where's my Stephen?" When he finally came out he ran to me and gave me the biggest kiss ever. We kept saying our I love you's and I was saying "you're here!"
So after getting our marriage license and purchasing our rings and finalizing everything, we were married December 16, 2000. It was a small ceremony in my Mom's apartment but it was sweet. My family was there, the only missing piece was Stephen's family. He did have a friend and her Mom there and we called his Mom right after he kissed the bride :)

It's hard to believe that was a little over 5 years ago. It hasn't always been easy either. Two different cultures tend to clash at times and I know it's not always easy dealing with a wife who is disabled and has a major illness. His Mom has been out every year since we've been married. His brother comes out, as well as his sister and her fiance' and at the end of April 2005 we got to see his Dad again after 4 years. I truly believe that Stephen and I are more in love then ever and as long as we always keep God at the center of our marriage we'll be as the title of the page says Together Forever.

Here are some poems that I have either written just for Stephen or dedicated to him and are now his.
Soul Mates
Two Angels
Healing Hearts